Trigger payments with
business workflow events

Power your payments with data from business workflows

Connect your cloud systems, backend and more to ZTLment to programatically create, execute and reconcile payouts

Connect your cloud systems, backend and more to ZTLment to programatically create, execute and reconcile payouts

Customise payout flows for any
use case imaginable


Payout triggers

Project milestones

Delivery confirmation

Usage data

Escrow release

Data from ERP system

API integration



Customise finance workflows to fit the way you do business


Better and faster overview of all your financing flows


Embedded KYC/AML processes for your customers


See where your money is in real-time and share that view with customers

Event-based payouts

Event-based payouts

Event-based payouts

Smart payout automation

Automate your payout processes based on predefined triggers or data events effortlessly reducing your team's manual workload.

Bulk payouts

Bulk payouts

Bulk payouts

Efficient payout execution

Easily manage large volumes of weekly payouts. Execute mass transactions in seconds, eliminating late payments and high costs.

Simple payouts

Simple payouts

Simple payouts

Sign off on simple payouts in no time

Use our Dashboard and authenticator app to easily sign off on simple, instant payouts in seconds.

Real time visibility between companies

Give 2, 3 and "N-sided" visibility to internal and external stakeholders so everyone knows what the payment status is.

Give 2, 3 and "N-sided" visibility to internal and external stakeholders so everyone knows what the payment status is.

4 eyes authentication always

4-eyes principle is embedded into all authentication workflows. If you want more eyes on it or add automated checks, you can easily add that.

4-eyes principle is embedded into all authentication workflows. If you want more eyes on it or add automated checks, you can easily add that.

Frequently asked questions

What is ZTLment?

What are Event-Based Payouts?

What is the ZTLment toolkit?

What is unique about ZTLment?

How can I get started?

Get started today

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ZTLment is a licensed payments institute, authorized by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to provide financial services to businesses in Europe.

© 2023 ZTLment | CVR 41801298 | FTID 22043 | Linnésgade 20A, 2.sal, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark

Subscribe for updates

Stay up to date with our news, our product launches, and announcements.

ZTLment is a licensed payments institute, authorized by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to provide financial services to businesses in Europe.

© 2023 ZTLment | CVR 41801298 | FTID 22043 | Linnésgade 20A, 2.sal, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark

Subscribe for updates

Stay up to date with our news, our product launches, and announcements.

ZTLment is a licensed payments institute, authorized by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to provide financial services to businesses in Europe.

© 2023 ZTLment | CVR 41801298 | FTID 22043 | Linnésgade 20A, 2.sal, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark